Inspired Sisters Activity: Decorated Christmas Cookie & Cookie Swap at the Journey Cafe in Hamburg, PA on Friday, December 13th, 2024 is open to at the cost of $5.00 per person.
It was a beautiful sunny day with perfect temps. It was a long trip, but enjoyed by all! If you missed out and would like another chance, plan to join us on Sunday, August 4th at 1:30pm. You can RSVP here to let us know you’re coming, and don’t forget…
What a great day – thanks for participating! We participated because the Spring Chicken 5K is a great way to support LC Medical and support services as they provide evidence-based information, cost-free services, and practical support to women and families experiencing an unexpected or unsupported pregnancy. Contact Marie Perry at…
Our annual Women’s Spring Conference happened on Saturday, March 16th, 2024 at The Journey Cafe in Hamburg. We were blessed with inspirational worship and messages, “Enough: Stewarding Who We Are, What We Have, and Who We Have” as we once again welcomed Blue Mountain Community Church Worship Leader and Pastor,…
It looks like each year brings a new batch of skill and talent to the array of decorated Christmas cookies…way to go, artisan decorators! Another well attended event, there was lots of focus on the task but just as many laughs to go along too. We are so blessed by…
2023 Inspired Sisters of Zion's Church Women's Retreat at Willow Pond Retreat in Honesdale, PA.
Inspired Sisters Women's Ministry of Zion's Church Women's Conference May 13 2023 at the Journey Cafe featuring live worship and messages by Pastor Jennifer Eckhart of Blue Mountain Community Church
For the past two years that I’ve known her, a woman named Helen blesses people by inviting them on a luxury bus trip to the annual National March for Life in Washington, DC. She organizes the event on behalf of her church, the Church of St. Benedict in Mohnton, PA.,…
It was a beautiful day! There were many prayers sent up for it – we were blessed! There were a few snowboarders, a few skiers, and a few ladies hanging in the lounge. A fun time was had by all! We’d love to do this again, so let us know…
Our best attended cookie event ever so far – 42 beautiful faces (that’s eighty-two hands!) showed up ready to decorate some cut-outs. Thanks to everyone who attended. We hope you enjoyed your freshly decorated cookies, and that you received lots of “ooh’s and aaahh’s” when you showed off your finished…
This is an event that we love planning for, and even more so executing it, but all the planning and setting up means nothing if you aren’t there…so thank you for coming – it may have been a challenge to get there, but we want you to know how much…
Every year has it’s memories and things that made it special, and this year is no different – just take a look at some of the shenanigans below! You might have thought Women’s Retreats were stuffy and boring, but you’ve never been to one like this. From laughing together until…