ladies bowling night | inspired sisters womens ministry zions church | hamburg pa
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Ladies Bowling Night, Friday, February 21st

Join us for a night of food and bowling on Friday, February 21st at State Street Lanes on State Street in Hamburg.

We’ll begin by meeting at the Journey Cafe in Hamburg at 5:30pm. We love sharing a meal, but we know it can be difficult to gather up a crew and find a place that everyone likes, let alone make sure to keep within a schedule. So, to keep it simple, go ahead and grab your favorite take-out, then bring it to the Cafe to meet up and enjoy your meal with us. Around 6:45pm, we’ll head over to State Street Lanes for a 2-hour bowling package from 7:00pm-9:00pm. The package price is about $20 per person, which includes shoe rental. Please note, State Street Lanes only offers vending machine snacks and drinks, so if you’d like to snack while bowling, you should probably pack whatever you would like to have on hand.

Let us know if you’d like to join the fun – it’s important that we have a a head count of guests so we know how many lanes to reserve…

Let us know if you have any questions by texting Marie Perry at 610-587-2136.

See you there!